Trees in need of additional support can be helped by cabling. These are steel or dynamic cables installed within the upper canopy of the tree which provide additional support during high winds and storms.
Large valuable trees in close proximity to structures might warrant lightning protection. By installing copper terminals and copper wire in the tree, we can safely ground any electrical charge from lightning to a grounding rod away from the tree. If a tree also has steel cabling it must be attached to the copper grounding wire. This would safely minimize damage to the tree and surrounding structures from a lightning strike.
Cabling and Bracing
Cables consist of either high strength steel cables attached to steel bolts, or dynamic cables that are spliced around branches in the upper canopy of the tree. They are intended to limit the movement of the supported branches so that they are less likely to fail during storms.
Braces are threaded rods installed through unions of weak branches and multiple stems to provide more rigid support against twisting forces that can occur in violent weather.
These supplemental structural support systems should be installed only after a thorough inspection and evaluation of tree structure by our ISA Certified Arborists. Safety issues are involved; Installers must use materials and techniques that comply with ANSI A-300 Standards. If trees have lightning protection systems, the conductor must be attached to any support cables in the crown.

Hemlock Health
What is the Hemlock Woolly Adelgid?
Adelges tsugae, the hemlock woolly adelgid, is a fluid-feeding insect that feeds on hemlock trees throughout eastern North America. The egg sacs of these insects look like the tips of cotton swabs clinging to the undersides of hemlock branches. Chemical Treatment depends on the value of the trees you wish to protect.
Individual ornamental trees, small trees, or several larger hemlocks in a landscape environment can be treated with systemic insecticides.
Special insecticides can be applied to the soil around the tree roots so that the tree will draw the chemicals up to the twigs and needles where the adelgids are feeding.
The best time to treat is either in spring and early summer when crawlers are present, or in fall when adults break dormancy.
Hemlock Care and Maintenance Tips:
Don’t disturb shallow roots with heavy equipment or by digging or tilling.
Keep hemlocks well-watered during droughts. Apply about 1 inch per week around the drip line (tips of outermost branches.)
Don’t place bird feeders among your hemlock trees. Birds can carry woolly adelgid crawlers to your trees.
Remove large, heavily infested trees that can act as reservoirs for uninfested trees.
Don’t change the grade (slope of the land) near hemlocks with excavations or tree wells.
Don’t change water runoff patterns around hemlocks. Simply moving a downspout or installing a patio can stress these trees.
When applying lime or weed killers to lawn areas, keep at least 10 feet away from the drip line of hemlock trees.